Thank you for making YOUR Impact!
A heartfelt thank you to all who took part in our Day of Giving! Your incredible support pushed us over our fundraising goal and forced us to increase our Day of Giving goal not once, not twice, but three times!
March 15 was our Day of Giving. A day to celebrate Pope Francis Prep, our students, our educators, our legacy, and the entire PFPS community.
Day of Giving was all about impact. It was a day where we recognized the impact we as a school have on the lives of all of our students as we seek to fulfill our mission of challenging our students to grow spiritually, intellectually, socially, and physically and to become critical thinkers and faith-based leaders who embody justice, peace, service, and mercy in the global community.
It is a day where we also recognized the impact of our alumni, families, and friends who have so generously supported the growth of our school.
All gifts matter, regardless the size. Without YOU and your generosity, we could not provide the important resources needed to deliver a transformational education to our students.
Bonus: donations of $100 or more received the official PFPS 2022 umbrella!
Donor List
updated April 4, 2022
Dr. Michael Accordino
Dr. Jean Aertker
Kevin J. Albano ’77
Peter & Susan Alexopoulos
William J. Allard ’84
Susan Allen
Paul ’86 & Kimberly Anziano
Marlene Aquino
Catherine (Kalmbach) Arventos ’77
Dr. Dennis A. Asselin ’73
Atty. Ralph L. Atkins, Esq. ’60
Marie Auclair
Sean J. Austin ’70
Robert & Cinnamon Azeez
Christine Baker & Edward Nelson
William F. Balint
Matthew C. Ballard ’86
Theresa J. (Fontain) Barkin ’70
John & Barbara Barnett
Daniel & Sheila Beaudry
Diane (Talbot) Beauregard ’83
Elizabeth (Weber) Begley ’06
Mary Anne (Checrallah) Beirne ’67
Paul T. Belcamino ’70
Roland & Linda (Rooney) ’67 Benjamin
Christopher & Kristin (Santaniello) ’96 Bertelli
Christopher ’03 & Alice Bertrand
Lisa Biscaldi-Bruso
Joseph Boggio ’51
Gerard L. ’63 & Denise H. ’64 Boisselle
Francis & Manuela Bolduc
Michael & Mary Lou Bonfitto
William & Elizabeth Boucher
Tricia Bouchie
Gayle A. Bourdeau ’87
Patricia I. Brackett
Christopher & Geraldine Bresnahan
Atty. William G. Brody ’66
Susan A. Brown ’93
Kristie (Fitzgerald) Budrecki ’87
Sheila (O’Sullivan) Buffone ’93
Kenneth & Susan Burgess
Megan Burke
Walter & Gail Burke
Clarisse Burnett
M. Christine (Corridan) Burt ’74
Michael Callahan
Andrew & Dianna Calvanese
Jesse & Audra Camp
Delva Campbell
Joseph ’88 & Rebecca (Slate) ’90 Caproni
Frank ’65 & Kathy Capuano
Alan & Ann Casella
Atty. Alfred & Karen (Chiarello) ’94 Casella
Carolyn B. Cayode-Gorman ’93
Jean M. Cesar & Ruthnie Alce
Mark & Paula (Laberge) ’71 Chevrier
Frank & Arlene Chiarello
Leonard & Diane Choiniere
Dante Christofori ’11
William ’79 & Doreen (LaPointe) ’85 Christofori
Batholomew K. Cobey ’63
Nancy Coley
John T. Collins ’64
Kevin ’80 & Mary (Ashe) ’82 Conway
Shawn ’85 & Lisa Corbitt
William & Jacqueline Corbitt
Robert & Amy Cordes
Erik & Yazdel Correa
William ’64 & Patricia (Kelliher) ’66 Cosgriff
Nicole (Barbuti) Cote ’02
Wesley ’71 & Nancy (Fitzgerald) ’70 Cotter
Laurie A. Coughlin ’69
Mary Jane (McKenna) Cratty ’65
Rev. Anthony J. Creane ’48
Paula (D’Angelo) Creanza ’66
Mary C. Cullinan ’77
Justin Dalessio ’95
Dr. Raymond Dandurand
Michael E. Davin ’82
Davis Truck Repair
Atty. Thomas ’89 & Atty. Katherine Day
Cortez DeBoise
Jeanne DeGrandis
Daniel Degray
Wayne DeGrenier & Cheryl May
F. Daniel Deknis ’68
Joseph E. DeMontigny ’48
Patrick & Rebecca Deperry
Camille M. Desjardins ’19
Glen & Rebecca Desjardins
Richard C. Deslauriers ’78
George J. Desnoyers ’59
Dr. Robert A. DesRochers ’54
Ignazio & Hazzel Di’Dio
Amy E. Dias
Marc & Heather DiMauro
Lois (Naughton) Dineen ’58
Anthony G. DiSantis ’77
William & Cristin Dolan
David & Patricia Donnelly
Ann E. Donovan ’85
Gary P. Donovan ’68
Cecilia A. Dowd ’57
Rene ’49 & Lorraine (McMahon) ’53 Dube
Patricia (McKenna) Duhart ’61
Dr. Harry Dumay Ph.D.
Raymond & Gertrude Dziok
Scott & Michele (Riley) Eastman ’90
Egan, Flanagan and Cohen, P.C.
Dr. Emad Eskander & Dr. Margaret Eskander
Lt. Col. Donald ’53 & Judith (Healy) ’58 Evans
Msgr. George A. Farland ’60
Jason & Laura Favreau
Mark & Laura Feeley
Daniel & Erika (Calcasola) Fenton ’09
James P. Fenton ’79
Lori A. Fenton
Paul & Lucy Ferreira
Edith M. Ferrero ’61
Armando & Esperanca Fialho
Matthew & Caroline Filippi
Alice Fitzgerald
Brendan & Erin (Benjamin) ’91 Fitzgerald
Francis & Erinn (Baker) ’92 Fitzgerald
Gary & Cheryl Fitzgerald
Edward & Joan Fitzgerald
Paul & Linda Fitzpatrick
Eileen B. Flaherty ’95
Mary J. Flaherty ’57
Mary Anne Flaherty ’83
Thomas ’89 & Maureen (Schoolcraft) ’88 Flaherty
Janice (Johnson) Freniere ’72
Craig & Kristen Frost
Nicholas & Nicole Fyntrilakis
Carmen A. Garcia ’13
Nicholas Garde ’18
Virginia M. Garrity
Patrick & Gail Garvey
Gary & Barbara Gasperack
Laura M. Gaston ’71
Dr. Susan M. Gaston ’75
Doris (Brodeur) Gaumond ’67
Brian Geer
Cynthia Geiger
Andrew & Jill Gendreau
Darryl ’83 & Carin (Grzelak) ’84 Geoffrey
Eileen M. Gilhooly ’80
Dolores Gill
Nicola & Mary Ann Gioscia
Daniel & Beth (LaVallee) ’96 Gokey
Tony Goncalves
Marina Gonzalez
Christopher & Lynn (Dutilly) ’96 Gouin
Robert ’77 & Kathleen (Leary) ’87 Gourde
Sandra Graham
Denise A. Granger, SSJ ’66
Joan (Cullinane) Gravel ’76
David ’69 & Gail (Gubala) ’73 Griffin
Matthew & Meghann Guerriero
Jennifer (Crimmons) Gustafson ’82
Patricia A. Hamel
Edward & Marianne (Kenney) Hamilton ’69
Dianna T. Hanechak
James Hanifan & Dr. Renee Slowick ’87
Thomas & Astrid Hanley
Candy Hanselman
Dr. Jennifer & Carl Hanselman
Grace Harrington
Dr. Paul & Wendy Harrington
Bill & Jeanne Harrington
Donna (Sullivan) Havens ’67
Bruce R. Henry ’68
Luis & Michelle Hernandez
Donald Hess
Steven W. Hiorns ’76
Robert ’63 & Paula (Kingston) ’60 Hoffman
Joan (Bye) Hojnoski ’61
Michael & Michele Holl
Barbara (Landers) Hood ’59
John & Jennifer Horky
Sandra (Fiorentino) Howie ’61
James Ilson
Mary Ann (Burns) Jackson ’77
Marguerite (Crimmins) Johnson ’57
Norman R. Jones ’53
Susanne (Fortsch) Justan ’93
Alice Kadima
Albert C. Kalmbach ’78
Bernard P. Kalmbach ’84
Thomas ’82 & Marianne Kalmbach
Carl & Kimberly Kaufmann
Carl & Cheryl Kaufmann
Atty. John ’57 & Christine (Lynch) ’59 Keaney
Andrea Kearney
Kevin Kearney
Matthew & Tammy Keeney
James & Nancy (Grimaldi) ’73 Kelliher
Kevin ’71 & Janet Kelly
Ryan J. Kelly ’97
Judith E. Kennedy ’55
Alice M. Kenney, SSJ
Eileen Kenny
Lorraine Kieras
Dr. Susan Kilduff- Katsoulis
Edward D. Koenig ’73
David Konovalchick
Denise (Morneau) Korfhage ’69
Jeffrey & Kristen Koziol
John Koziol
Olga Kruglykhina
Katherine M. Kulig ’96
Lawrence ’77 & Leslie Kulig
Christiane T. LaBonte ’02
Bernard P. Lafleur ’55
Sheila (Tremble) Lambert ’62
Kathleen A. LaRochelle ’03
Marie Alice (Doyon) Lavallee ’62
Robert & Carol Lavallee
Timmy Le ’09
George & Christine Leary
John & Cynthia Leonard
Jeffrey R. Letendre ’87
Serena Lichwan
Lucia Liquori
Michael & Moira (Nahorniak) ’92 Lopes
Leo & Dorothy Lortie
Kathleen (Lyons) Lucas ’71
Robert & Holly Lyke
Christopher O. Lynch ’72
Daniel & Patricia (Powers) Lynch ’62
Matthew & Renee Lyon
Cheryl (Berges) MacGeorge ’66
Rev. Keith A. Maczkiewicz, S.J.
Peter J. Maher ’85
David & Kathleen (Griffin) Maloney ’64
Christine C. Mannix
Rosemary Manyak
David & Marguerite (Mahoney) Marceau ’71
Paul & Jennifer Marquez
G. Roger Martin ’54
Kenneth J. Martin ’80
Peter & Lori Martins
Michael & Colleen Martone
Joseph ’89 & Linda Matte
Paul ‘63 & Cynthia Matte
Atty. Joseph R. Mauri ’57
Leon J. Maynard ’63
Dorothy (Landers) McCarthy ’58
Edward ’73 & Melissa McDonough
Timothy ’99 & Elizabeth McQuade
Roberta F. McQuaid
Peter & Michelle Menard
Marie (Fontaine) Mireault ’52
Michael & Katie Moloney
John ’86 & Evette Moltenbrey
Diane Monroe
Stephen P. Moore ’78
Barbara (Britton) Moran ’63
John & Patricia Moreau
Michael & Nicole Moreau
Hugh & Linda (Frigon) Moriarty ’60
Thomas & Elaine Morin
Eileen M. Morrow
Stephen ’62 & Kathleen Moynihan
John & Linda Mruk
Michael ’85 & Elizabeth Mulcahy
Denise Mullan
John & Jennifer (Sattler) ’89 Murphy
Bryan & Ivy Musa
Sarah Myers
Kathleen Nelson
William & Allison Nitch
Lindsay O’Donnell ’02
Susan O’Donnell ’82
Melvin ’71 & Joyce O’Leary
Sean & Kimberly O’Leary
Adam & Bethany Ondrick
Christopher & Jennifer Ondrick
Theodore Ondrick
Dr. Albert & Dr. Meme Orquiola
Janice Orszulak ’70
Robert & Kathleen O’Sullivan
Beverly A. Paige
Michael & Mary (Nolan) Paquette ’80
Michael & Timmie Parent
Joseph & Sandra Parente
Ken & Sandie Parsons
Stephen J. Paterwic ’70
Patriot Appraisers, LLC
Robert & Kathleen Peritz
Leslie Perreault
Grazyna Peters
Rev. Mr. Joseph & Janice (Quinn) Peters ’68
Ernest & Kimberly Petkovitch
Marya (Kaluzynski) Pickering ’64
Constance (Piekara) ’64 Pijar
Francis ’65 & Lynn (Babineau) ’68 Pijar
George L. Pirog ’75
Robert L. Plasse ’58
Donald ’50 & Elizabeth (Hart) ’55 Powers
Wayne & Laura Proulx
Ziggy & Lidia Rajca
George & Linda Randall
Jacqueline L. Reardon
Paul A. Renaud ’62
Bruce & Jane Riley
Nicholas M. Ritchie ’25
Ernest R. Rivard ’71
River Valley Irrigatiion
Ann Rivers
Steven ’89 & Pamela Rivers
Joshua T. Roberts ’08
Robert ’75 & Mary (Green) ’77 Roccanti
Rocky’s Ace Hardware
Nicholas & Frances Roselli
Vincent & JoAnn Roselli
Roselli’s Machine & Mfg. Company, Inc.
Edmond & Kimberly Rowan
Martha Rowe
Darryn & Amy Roy
Donald Roy ’83
Richard & Holly Roy
Julie (Dudek) Ruby ’87
Richard & Francine Rusiecki
Colleen (Kelly) Ryan ’73
Francis & Melba Ryan
Patricia (Brown) Santilli ’69
Mário & Fatima Santos
Mayor Domenic & Carla Sarno
Linda Sasso
Gerard ’63 & Carol Satkowski
Thomas & Pauline (LaBelle) ’60 Sawyer
Brett & Renee Schools
Irving & June (Serra) Schoppe ’65
Brian ’91 & Tanya Sears
Candice J. Serafino ’71
Kathryn (Hinkley) Seward ’56
John F. Shannon ’58
Charles A. Shaw ’77
Joseph Shea ’78
Katherine Shea
Thomas E. Shea ’67
William & Sandra (Thompson) Shea ’69
Rev. John K. Sheaffer ’81
Christopher & Meredith Shepard
Kathryn (Leamy) Sheridan ’66
David P. Siddell ’62
Jeffrey & Diane (Morin) Sitnik ’90
Patricia (Matroni) Skelton ’55
Anonymous (Virginia Slate)
Maura A. Slattery ’69
Sheila Slawiak
James & Maryann Slowick
Ashley Snider
Edward & Kristin (LaBelle) ’92 Smith
Edward Sokolowski ’88
Dianne (Robert) Soprano Ph.D. ’71
Gerald ’79 & Laurel Spear
Judith A. St. Pierre ’74
Lauren Stabilo
Robert & Melanie Stack
Suzanne (Lavallee) Stebbins ’66
Robert B. Stein ’75
Raymond & Lauren Stoddard
Edward J. Sullivan ’70
Kathleen (McQuade) Sullivan ’70
Judy (Fiorentino) Swanson ’82
Christopher Syner ’04
Andrew & Heidi Szalai
Edwin & Jacqueline Tamayo
Nancy (Moore) Tanney ’64
Steven & Jennifer Tatro
Tech Roofing Services, Inc.
Renee (Theroux) Thayer ’93
Kathleen (Ward) Tonis ’65
James & Elaine Tourtelotte
Coach Michael Tranghese
Jane Trevethan
Roger D. Trombly ’72
Umberto Truoiolo
Brian P. Tuohey ’68
Joseph & Jennifer (Hamre) ’91 Turmel
Paul & Barbara (Pfau) Turmel ’70
Donna (Cady) Tyburski ’78
Manuel J. Vaz ’68
Michael ’91 & Sarah Vedovelli
William & Mary Vedovelli
Rebekah (Williams) Vick ’11
Kevin & Andrea Vona
Carl & Cristy Wassung
Christopher & Laura Watroba
Matthew M. Weber ’02
Gary & Lynn (Habel) Weiner ’67
Pamela Westmoreland
Maureen White ’71
Ralph & Edith Whittle
Brian & Cynthia Williams
John ’90 & Lorinda Williams
Ralph & Suzanne Williams
Stephen ’84 & Maria Wyszynski
Anthony & Tammy Yacovone
Daniel & Donna Yvon
Michael & Amy Zaranek
Day of Giving 2021 Results
Click here to see the results from Day of Giving 2021!