Tuition and Fees

2024-2025 Tuition

Full tuition for the academic year is set at $12,650 per student. International tuition is $19,000.


The tuition fee includes the technology fee charged for a 1:1 device that PFPS students will be using in the classroom and at home. The books and materials fee is also included in the tuition. 


Additional Fees


Athletic Fee 

Hockey players will be assessed a $350 fee. The fee for all other sports is waived


Other Fees 

A graduation fee of $200.00 will be assessed for graduating seniors

AP testing fees of $98 per test (subject to change per the College Board)

SAT testing fees of $60 (subject to change per the College Board)

Student parking fee is $100 for students wishing to drive to school

Tuition Payment Options

Option 1: Payment-in-full by June 30th. There is no fee for Option 1 if payment is made directly to Pope Francis Preparatory School and entitles the family to a $200 discount per student. Payment-in-full can also be paid through Blackbaud Tuition Management ($56 fee). For more information contact Mrs. Kathy Nelson, Business Officer for Tuition and Financial Aid, at


Option 2: 10-month payment plan offered through Blackbaud Tuition Management. The 10-month plan with automatic withdrawal through your checking or savings account will begin in June. There is a $56 annual fee for this service. 


Option 3: Two-payment plan. Choose the two-payment plan for an automatic withdrawal through your checking or savings account in June and November through  Blackbaud Tuition Management. There is a $56 annual fee for this service.