
Are you interested in reconnecting with your classmates? 

Let’s plan your next class reunion! We offer our space for all reunion classes. We can provide class lists, preferred vendors, and a great overall experience for your special event. For more information contact


Upcoming Reunions

HCHS: Class of 1975

Holyoke Catholic High School 

Class of 1975

50th Reunion 

Saturday, September 6, 2025

Location TBD 

For more details contact Jill Golden Gagne

CHS: Class of 1995

Cathedral High School

Class of 1995 Reunion 

Friday, November 28, 2025 

Nathan Bill’s Restaurant & Bar 

HCHS: Class of 1974

Holyoke Catholic High School 

Class of 1974

50th Reunion is in the Planning Process

Please contact