Day of giving 2021
Thank you for making YOUR Impact!
Day of giving 2021
Thank you for making YOUR Impact!
March 19 is our Day of Giving. A day to celebrate Pope Francis Prep, our students, our educators, our legacy, and the entire PFPS community.
Giving Day is all about impact. It is a day where we recognize the impact we as a school have on the lives of all of our students as we seek to fulfill our mission of challenging our students to grow spiritually, intellectually, socially, and physically and to become critical thinkers and faith-based leaders who embody justice, peace, service, and mercy in the global community.
It is a day where we also recognize the impact of our alumni, families, and friends who have so generously supported the growth of our school.
On March 19, you can make your impact. Please consider making a gift to the Cardinal Fund.
All gifts matter, regardless the size. Without YOU and your generosity, we could not provide the important resources needed to deliver a transformational education to our students.
Bonus: donations of $100 or more will receive the official PFPS 2021 Summer Beach Towel
List last updated on March 25, 2021 at 10am. Thank you for your support!
Anonymous (10)
Denise Accordino
Dr. Michael Accordino
Thomas B. Adams ’76
Dr. Jean Aertker
Matthew & Donna (Bernard) ’83 Agnes
Peter & Susan Alexopoulos
William J. Allard ’84
Timothy & Mary Allen
John M. Anziano ’91
Paul G. Anziano ’86
Catherine (Kalmbach) Arventos ’77
Atty. Ralph L. Atkins, Esq. ’60
Karen (LaRiviere) Audette ’64
Sean J. Austin ’70
Robert & Cinnamon Azeez
Noreen (Armstrong) Bachteler ’73
Christine Baker
Roy Baker ’63
Matthew C. Ballard ’86
Todd & Jenna Banaitis
Julia Bannister
John & Barbara Barnett
Daniel & Sheila Beaudry
Michael A. Beaudry ’75
Carol (Cruski) Beele ’55
Mary Anne (Checrallah) Beirne ’67
Rev. Joseph Benicewicz OFM CONV
Roland & Linda (Rooney) ’67 Benjamin
Christopher & Kristin (Santaniello) ’96 Bertelli
Armand & Cynthia Berthiaume
Lisa Biscaldi-Bruso
Matthew Bogacz & Alexandra Mason
Francis L. Bolduc
Timothy ’91 & Amy Bolduc
Michael & Mary Lou Bonfitto
William & Elizabeth Boucher
Tricia Bouchie
Gayle A. Bourdeau ’87
Patricia (Burke) Boyer ’54
Patricia I. Brackett
Paul ’51 & Rita Brault
Christopher & Geraldine Bresnahan
Kristie (Fitzgerald) Budrecki ’87
Sheila (O’Sullivan) Buffone ’93
Kenneth & Susan Burgess
Herbert & Xinia Calderon
Dianna Calvanase
Elizabeth (Wagener) Cameron ’67
Joseph ’88 & Rebecca (Slate) ’90 Caproni
Roy R. Cargile ’97
Marcel F. Caron
Gail (Perodeau) Carrington ’64
Atty. Alfred & Mrs. Karen (Chiarello) ’94 Casella
Rose Mary Caudle
Carolyn B. Cayode-Gorman ’93
Janet (Smith) Chapdelaine ’53
Leonard & Diane Choiniere
Nancy Coley
John J. Collins
John T. Collins ’64
James M. Connors ’60
Richard M. Constance ’58
William & Jacqueline Corbitt
Erik & Yazdel Correa
Jason & Nicole Cote
Shamone N. Cox
William G. Cullinan ’73
Ellen Culver
Justin Dalessio ’95
Dr. Raymond Dandurand
Michael E. Davin ’82
Aida Davis
Russell A. Day ’87
Thomas ’89 & Katherine Day
Daniel Deknis ’68
Deliso Financial and Insurance Services
Irene Deperry
Patrick & Rebecca Deperry
Francis ’94 & Michelle (Choinere) ’93 Derose
Mary Fortin Derose-Girotti ’57
Marc & Heather DiMauro
Matthew E. Donnellan ’70
David & Patricia Donnelly
Ann E. Donovan ’85
Gary P. Donovan ’68
Maura E. Donovan ’89
Haley M. Dorval ’10
Cameron T. Dougal ’20
Cecilia A. Dowd ’57
Thomas J. Dromey ’74
Rene ’49 & Lorraine (McMahon) ’53 Dube
Dr. Harry Dumay Ph.D.
William & Laura (Kuzdeba) Dziura ’07
Dr. Emad Eskander & Dr. Margaret Eskander
Dr. Mark W. Evans, DMD ’76
Mark & Laura Feeley
Daniel & Erika (Calcasola) Fenton ’09
James P. Fenton ’79
Frank L. Ferrero ’60
Regina (Cormier) Fife ’65
Matthew & Caroline Filippi
Alice Fitzgerald
Brendan & Erin (Benjamin) ’91 Fitzgerald
Francis & Erinn (Baker) ’92 Fitzgerald
Gary & Cheryl Fitzgerald
James J. Fitzgerald ’79
Darrin ’88 & Erica Fitzpatrick
Mary J. Flaherty ’57
Brian T. Foley ’82
Robert T. Foley ’70
Michael ’89 & Karen Ford
Lynn Foren
Leo & Linda Fournier
Kristen (Majerwoski) Fugler ’85
Daniel L. Garrity ’83
Gary & Barbara Gasperack
Gregory J. Geehern ’02
Cynthia Geiger
Darryl ’83 & Carin (Grzelak) ’84 Geoffrey
Dolores Gill
Eric & Mellisa Gillis
Patricia (Kane) Gittes ’64
Major David A. Godek ’65
Daniel & Beth (LaVallee) ’96 Gokey
Tony Goncalves
Roger & Agnes Gonet
Marina Gonzalez
Robert ’77 & Kathleen (Leary) ’87 Gourde
David ’69 & Gail (Gubala) ’73 Griffin
Charles T. Gruszka ’66
Dana & Amybeth Gustafson
James Hanifan & Dr. Renee Slowick ’87
Thomas & Astrid Hanley
Jennifer Hanselman
Dr. Paul & Wendy Harrington
Bill & Jeanne Harrington
William P. Hart ’72
Marie C. Hedeen ’65
Mary Lou Hendrickson
Dr. John R. Hennessy, DDS ’61
Robert ’63 & Paula (Kingson) ’60 Hoffman
Terrence J. Hogan ’61
Luke & Mary (Rodriguez) ’09 Hollwedel
Barbara (Landers) Hood ’59
John & Jennifer Horky
Joel T. Hyland ’65
James Ilson
Kristine A. Jackson ’68
Mary Ann (Burns) Jackson ’77
Norman R. Jones ’53
Kenneth ’81 & Susan (Vumvaco) ’82 Kacoyannakis
Kathleen A. Kakley ’65
Albert C. Kalmbach ’78
Bernard P. Kalmbach ’84
Thomas ’82 & Marianne Kalmbach
Carl & Kimberly Kaufmann
Carl & Cheryl Kaufman
Kevin & Andrea Kearney
Kevin Kearney
Mary E. Keating ’74
Edward J. Keegan ’55
Matthew & Tammy Keeney
Robert T. Kelliher ’66
Kevin ’71 & Janet Kelly
Geraldine M. Kennedy ’74
Patrick & Linda Kenny
Thomas ’64 & Eileen Kenny
Edward D. Koenig ’73
Denise (Morneau) Korfhage ’69
Jacqueline (Falardeau) Korzenewski ’48
Connor B. Koziol ’18
Jeffrey & Kristen Koziol
John Koziol
Olga Kruglykhina
Lawrence ’77 & Leslie Kulig
Christiane T. LaBonte ’02
Carole (Bennett) LaBrie ’71
Bernard P. Lafleur ’55
Ronald ’59 & Patricia Lalancette
Normand M. Langlois ’59
Daniel & Mary Lou (Gray) Laprade ’81
Richard & Brenda Larose
Robert & Carol Lavallee
Michael B. Lavato ’03
Christine E. Lavoie, SSJ ’69
George & Christine Leary
Michael E. LeCuyer ’84
John & Cynthia Leonard
Jan W. Lessin ’60
Alfred S. Lewandowski ’68
John F. Leydon ’62
Judith A. (Smrecek) Lichwan ’64
Marc ’89 & Serena Lichwan
Kelley A. Logan ’80
Mark B. Londergan ’76
Michael & Moira (Nahorniak) ’92 Lopes
Joseph Loughrey ’67
Robert & Holly Lyke
John ’55 & Teresa (Murphy) ’56 Lyons
Cheryl (Berges) MacGeorge ’66
Dr. Patrick J. Magee ’80
Robert ’80 & Theresa (Dunn) ’81 Maggi
Cynthia (Chumura) Magruder ’67
William ’81 & Tabitha Mahoney
Michelle Manning
Christine C. Mannix
Timothy E. Mannix ’06
Rosemary Manyak
Peter & Lori Martins
John ’81 & Rosanne Mastrangelo
Joseph ’89 & Linda Matte
Paul ’63 & Cynthia Matte
Kelly C. Maynard ’88
Leon J. Maynard ’63
Dorothy (Landers) McCarthy ’58
John R. McCoy ’74
Edward ’73 & Melissa McDonough
Mary Anne McKenna ’76
Michael ’93 & Alicia (Van Keuren) ’95 McNulty
Joseph & Susan McVeigh
Nancy (Beaudoion) Merada ’60
Douglas & Kara Mercier
John Miller
Rev. Mr. John & Nancy Miller
Laura (Lyons) Mirandi ’77
Bruce Molitor ’64
Michael & Katie Moloney
John ’86 & Evette Moltenbrey
Dr. Michael G. Mooradd, MD ’76
Barbara (Britton) Moran ’63
Victor & Marianne (Sweeney) Morando ’86
Michael & Nicole Moreau
Thomas & Elaine Morin
Andrea Kennedy
James ’89 Christian & Melissa Motherway
Atty. Michael ’85 & Atty. Elizabeth Mulcahy
Denise Mullan
John & Jennifer (Sattler) ’89 Murphy
John J. Murphy Jr. ’76
Timothy F. Murphy ’82
Gregory ’79 & Anna Maria Nelles
Kathleen Nelson
Julia (Ferrero) Nichols’58
Laurie (Demers) Niemiec ’85
William & Allison Nitch
Julie (Ledoux) Nolan ’60
Lucyann (Mazzaferro) Nolan ’54
Allyson (Murphy) Norfleet ’88
Dr. Donald O’Brien ’57
Barbara (Atkins) Oddo ’77
Susan O’Donnell ’82
Sean & Kimberly O’Leary
Bobbi Olivier
Adam K. Ondricek ’91
Kirsten Ondrick
Theodore Ondrick
Michael & Celeste Orszulak
Robert & Kathleen O’Sullivan
Michael F. Parent ’65
Richard C. Parkin ’64
Gregory C. Parrott ’10
Sandra A. Parsons
Sheetal & Sapana Patel
Patriot Appraisers, LLC
Felix & Lora Perez
Robert & Patricia Peritz
Leslie Perreault
Nicholas & Amanda Perry
Rev. Mr. Joseph & Janice (Quinn) Peters ’68
Marie (Jacques) Petrone ’60
Lawrence ’88 & Michelle (Sawyer) ’90 Pietrucci
Pioneer Valley Machine
Robert L. Plasse ’58
Sandra Poole
Timothy ’84 & Diane (Odell) ’83 Poole
Wayne & Laura Proulx
Jean (Kober) Ragone ’74
Jacqueline L. Reardon
Ernest R. Rivard ’71
River Valley Irrigation
Ann Rivers
Steven ’89 & Pamela Rivers
Thomas Robert ’81
Kelly Robinson
Robert ’75 & Mary (Green) ’77 Roccanti
Scott M. Rogan ’89
Angelo & Christy Roselli
Nicholas & Frances Roselli
Vincent & JoAnn Roselli
Mary Rowan
Martha Rowe
James & Corina Roy
Richard & Francine Rusiecki
Colleen (Kelly) Ryan ’73
Francis G. Ryan
Joseph B. Salvon ’19
Patricia (Brown) Santilli ’69
Thomas & Tracey Sarlan
Linda Sasso
Gerard Satkowski ’63
Arthur & Lani Sattler
Thomas & Pauline (LaBelle) ’60 Sawyer
Brett & Renee Schools
Anthony J. Scibelli ’88
Liam Sears ’18
Charles A. Shaw ’77
Kate Shea
William & Sandra (Thompson) Shea ’69
David P. Siddell ’62
Patricia (Matroni) Skelton ’55
Virginia (Kostek) Slate ’59
Paul J. Smith ’62
Edward Sokolowski ’88
Robert J. Spazzarini ’54
Gerald ’79 & Laurel Spear
Lauren Stabilo
Gregory Stevens & Ellen Donnelly
Rosanne (Faloretti) Stirlacci ’70
Raymond & Lauren Stoddard
Victoria G. Stuetzel ’13
Paul & Kristen Styspeck
Daniel J. Sullivan ’72
Edward J. Sullivan ’70
Andrew & Heidi Szalai
Edwin & Jacqueline Tamayo
Robert & Tamara Tarpinian-Jachym
Jonathan P. Tavella ’19
Mark & Jill Tellier
Peter & Pamela (Sitek) Tellier ’74
The Concrete Kings
Patricia A. Tiberio ’50
Rev. Mr. William Toller
James & Elaine Tourtelotte
Son H. Tran & Thuy Nguyen
Michael Tranghese
Raymond J. Tremblay ’60
Jane Trevethan
Brian P. Tuohey ’68
Jean (McCracken) Turcotte ’77
Paul & Barbara (Pfau) Turmel ’70
Donna (Cady) Tyburski ’78
Manuel J. Vaz ’68
Michael ’91 & Sarah Vedovelli
John & Susan Wadlegger
Colleen M. Walsh ’83
William J. Wegrzyn
Kelly Weiss ’89
Sylvia Wescott
Damon Wesley ’19
Constance Marie Willett ’74
John ’90 & Lorinda Williams
Ralph & Suzanne Williams
Stephen ’84 & Maria Wyszynski
Daniel & Donna Yvon
Judith Zahn
David J. Zamachaj ’70
Richard & Irene Zaranek
Gerard & Robin Zecca
Kelvin Zheng
What is a PFPS Giving Day Ambassador?
Becoming a Giving Day Ambassador is a fun way to spread Cardinal pride among your friends and family! Ambassadors help spread the word and inspire support by reaching out to friends and family via social media.
Be sure to use the hashtags: #PopeFrancisPrep and #PFPSGivingDay
and share your “Why I Give” sign on social media on March 19th!
Please contact Daniel Fenton at if you are interested in becoming an ambassador.
Thank you!