Booster Club

Welcome and thank you for your interest in the Pope Francis Booster Club!

We are a group of volunteer parents who support PFPS athletic teams and the school at large with things like spirit wear, school merchandise, concessions and athletic funding. Please click on the links below to learn more about each topic or feel free to drop us a line. We thank you for visiting and hope to meet you soon!

Different Ways to Get Involved

Big or little, your support matters!

Here at the Booster Club, we appreciate whatever support you can provide. We rely on everyone from the one-time volunteer to the fully involved committee member. Below are all the different ways you can get involved.


Executive Board

We presently have 8 elected positions on the Executive Board: 4 Officers and 4 Committee Chairs. As of December, our Concessions Committee chairs are both vacant.  This is a dual position and we are actively looking for anyone interested to please let us know. The Executive Board attends the bimonthly meetings and have specific roles and functions each one is responsible for to make the Booster Club a success. Officer elections are held annually in May. Feel free to reach out or come to a meeting if you want to learn more.  Meetings are open to all parents.


Committee Chair Assistant : VACANT (as of 8/7/24)

One of our committee chairs could really use the help of an assistant. Assistants are NOT expected to come to meetings.

Merchandise Assistant: Helps our Merchandise Chair with things like inventory counts and pre-orders. If you can lend a hand, please reach out.


Support Volunteer: THE MORE THE MERRIER

If you don’t want to have an official title or go to meetings, but want to help out when you can, the support volunteer is for you.

You can:

– Volunteer at Concessions generally anytime there is a home game (CLICK HERE FOR UPCOMING EVENTS)

– Participate in a merchandise inventory count (we do these at least 3x a year)

– Volunteer at a merchandise table during our non-sport events such as theater productions, new student night, etc


Team Parent Coordinator: ONE PARENT PER TEAM

If your child is on an athletic team, you are a great candidate to be the team parent coordinator for that season.  Each team needs one and they help facilitate communication with us, the coach and the other parents.


Sign Up Genius Manager:

We use Sign Up Genius to manage people volunteering at concessions and other events.  We are currently looking for someone to maintain this and this does not require you to come to the school. 

Concession Stand Happenings

Pope has two “concession stands”. Outdoor concessions is by the track and the indoor is near the gymnasium. They are run by parent and student volunteers and they raise money for Pope’s athletic teams. Outdoor concession is open for most home games during fall and spring seasons; indoor concession is open during most home winter basketball games.


Volunteering:  We can always use help in concessions from the students or parents. A major benefit for the students is their time spent volunteering in concessions is counted towards their volunteer hours.  Feel free to spontaneously drop in anytime we are open or go to Sign Up Genius where you can view what events we will be open for (it’s more than just sports) and put your name on the list. If there is any change in game day/time you will be notified via Sign Up Genius email.


Concessions Wish List/Donations: We know life is busy! If you are unable to donate time, how about donating goods?  We have an active wish list of items that we try to keep stocked for game spectators and players.  Feel free to drop off any of the products listed below at our concession stand during our home games or at the front office with Mrs. Lori Fenton during school hours if we are not open.


Concession Wish List 

Team Parent Coordinators

The Team Parent Coordinator is an extremely important seasonal volunteer that keeps communication flowing between the team, the coach and the school. If your student plays for a team, you are a perfect candidate for Team Parent Coordinator.  We ask for one rep per team and work with you directly on things like email lists, your team’s financial allotment, and how to get reimbursed for expenses. We will also supply you with a guide that contains ideas and best practices for things like senior night, recognition nights, banquets, where to get senior banners, morale events and more. You don’t have to plan these things yourself, you are just the person we provide the information to. Teams can decide on their own each season how big or small they want to go with these things.

If you would like to volunteer to be the Team Parent Coordinator for your child’s team please contact our Team Liaison Chair or email the booster club at


If you have already been confirmed as the Team Parent Coordinator …THANK YOU!!  Your important documents are:


Team Coordinator Guide 

Reimbursement Form


Meetings and More

There are 6 meetings over the course of the school year.  They occur the second Thursday, every OTHER month and are held at the Pope Francis.  All executive board members are expected to attend and we are often times joined by Dr Harrington and Mr Goda (the Athletic Director).  Any parent/guardian of a PF student is welcome to attend any meeting. Volunteers are not expected to attend but are always welcome.


2024-2025 Meeting Schedule: all meetings begin at 6:30 pm

Jan 9, 2025

Mar 13, 2025 

May 8, 2025

June TBD


Previous Meetings

September 7, 2023 (meeting minutes)

November 9, 2023 (meeting minutes)

January 4, 2024 (meeting minutes)

March 7, 2024 (meeting minutes)

May 9, 2024 (meeting minutes)

June 6, 2024 (meeting minutes)

Sept 12, 2024 (meeting minutes)

Nov 14, 2024 (meeting minutes)

Mission Statement, Bylaws and Annual Statements

Please contact us for more information or volunteering at