Big or little, your support matters!
Here at the Booster Club, we appreciate whatever support you can provide. We rely on everyone from the one-time volunteer to the fully involved committee member. Below are all the different ways you can get involved.
We presently have 8 elected positions on the Executive Board: 4 Officers and 4 Committee Chairs. As of December, our Concessions Committee chairs are both vacant. This is a dual position and we are actively looking for anyone interested to please let us know. The Executive Board attends the bimonthly meetings and have specific roles and functions each one is responsible for to make the Booster Club a success. Officer elections are held annually in May. Feel free to reach out or come to a meeting if you want to learn more. Meetings are open to all parents.
Committee Chair Assistant : VACANT (as of 8/7/24)
One of our committee chairs could really use the help of an assistant. Assistants are NOT expected to come to meetings.
Merchandise Assistant: Helps our Merchandise Chair with things like inventory counts and pre-orders. If you can lend a hand, please reach out.
Support Volunteer: THE MORE THE MERRIER
If you don’t want to have an official title or go to meetings, but want to help out when you can, the support volunteer is for you.
You can:
– Volunteer at Concessions generally anytime there is a home game (CLICK HERE FOR UPCOMING EVENTS)
– Participate in a merchandise inventory count (we do these at least 3x a year)
– Volunteer at a merchandise table during our non-sport events such as theater productions, new student night, etc
Team Parent Coordinator: ONE PARENT PER TEAM
If your child is on an athletic team, you are a great candidate to be the team parent coordinator for that season. Each team needs one and they help facilitate communication with us, the coach and the other parents.
Sign Up Genius Manager:
We use Sign Up Genius to manage people volunteering at concessions and other events. We are currently looking for someone to maintain this and this does not require you to come to the school.