Programs of Study

Gaining the Knowledge and Skills to Excel

At Pope Francis Prep, your individual academic exploration comes first. Our focus is ultimately on developing the student you want to become. New students are reviewed for course placement during the admissions process by the Director of Admissions, the Assistant Head of School, the Guidance Office and the Academic Department Chairs. Our academic placements are tailored to the strengths of the individual student and will determine at what instructional level a student will begin their studies at Pope Francis Prep. 


Our Program of Studies provide the framework for planning your academic journey and support the following opportunities and requirements:

Religion and art classes are heterogeneously grouped. In English, math, social studies, world languages and science, students are placed according to ability and performance. 


Advanced Placement: 11 classes offered

Honors Program: 25 classes offered

Requirement of four years of religion 

Virtual High School courses offered in a variety of disciplines

Community Service Program

Senior Internship Opportunity

Dual enrollment with several area colleges

International Study 

Our students can deepen their faith with our Campus Ministry Leadership program

Our students’ average SAT scores exceed national averages.

If you have any questions, please contact Cynthia Geiger, Assistant Head of School at